Commander Émilie Fleury

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Choir Master

After starting her musical training in violin, composition and analysis at the Conservatoire de Besançon, Émilie Fleury migrated towards singing and choir conducting. In parallel with her music studies, she attended classes for conducting chorales taught by B. Tetu, N. Corti and V. Fayet at the Conservatoire National Superieur de Musique et de Danse in Lyon, from which she graduated in 2005. These years of study allowed her to develop proficiencies in various fields (opera, oratorio, children’s choir, early music), notably with A. Woodbridge, CL Wu, P. Davin, J. Suhubiette and D. Vellard.

An interest in orchestra conducting led her to the classes of G. Amy, D. My, C. Levacher and P. Verrot at the Conservatoire National Superieur de Musique et de Danse, as well instruction by D. Rouits at the École Normale de Musique in Paris and by J.S. Béreau at the Conversatoire de Lille. Her liking for early music led her to the Centre de Musique Medievale and L’Ecole du Choeur Gregorien of Paris. In 2007, she joined Discantus, a female vocal ensemble directed by B. Lesne, specializing in the interpretation of medieval repertoire.

Holding a State Diploma for conducting vocal ensembles, she was hired in 2004 to direct the Maitrise of the Opera of Lyon and is currently the director of the children’s choir and the young ensemble of the Maîtrise de Notre Dame in Paris.

Since 2008, she has been Assistant Choir Master of the French Army Choir.

