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The Marseillaise as never heard before

The Republican Guard Orchestra and the French Army Choir have the honor to offer you an exceptional concert on the theme of the Marseillaise. Besides its original version of Rouget de Lisle, you will hear many works, variations or evocations of the French anthem. The Orchestra and the Choir also accompany the singer Arthur H during this concert filmed at the Philharmonie de Paris.

From Tchaikovsky to the Beatles, via Bolling and Gainsbourg, discover or re-discover the Marseillaise as you have never heard it before!

You will be able to enjoy this concert, originally planned for a school audience, from April 1st, 2021. It will be available online for 6 months, on the Philharmonie Live platform (link on “find out more”).

Allons enfants … and above all, enjoy the concert!

(Pictures : Fabrice Bourdeau – Garde républicaine)
