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Orchestra and Choir latest news !

While waiting to give concerts again in front of an audience, the Orchestra and the Choir continue their activities!

Two auditions were held recently: the wind orchestra will soon welcome two new musicians, one as a saxophonist and the other as a clarinetist.

The two next auditions will take place in February (registrations are closed).

Check our application page regularly, new positions may be available soon!

If you want to listen to some music, here are two videos you should not miss:

  • ten musicians from the Orchestra accompanied Eloïse Lapaille, a young police woman, in a cover of the Hymne à l’Amour (watch here)
  • our six cello players paid tribute to Sean Connery in a cover of the famous James Bond theme (watch here)

Finally, on January 15th, the Choir performed Shostakovich’s Symphony No. 13 (known as Babi Yar) with the Radio France Philharmonic Orchestra and the Radio France Choir.

If you missed the live stream of this concert, you can read a recap here

Many projects are underway, including concerts with organ (see here for more information) and concerts at the occasion of the bicentenary of Napoleon’s death in 2021.

Our concerts calendar is regularly updated, so stay tuned!
